Will Florida Off Load Thousands of Cargo Ships “Stranded” At Sea?

Will Florida Off Load Thousands of Cargo Ships “Stranded” At Sea?

One report we heard was there were some 5,000 cargo ships circling the the U.S. attempting to offload their wares. I’m not sure if that is correct or not, but I do know there are a lot of ships currently “stranded” at sea looking to off load their cargo. We are not seeing products in the grocery stores nor fuel at gas stations because it is all sitting on ship out to sea. This is all part of the program – it’s all by design.

Here’s what it looks like.

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“Many of these scarcities can be traced back to the stripping out of redundancy or multiple suppliers of industrial essentials to streamline efficiency and eliminate competition,” he writes. “Global corporations didn’t go through all the effort to establish quasi-monopolies and cartels for our convenience. They did it to ensure reliably large profits from control and scarcity.”

Smith argues that competition and abundance are “anathemas to profits.” Thus, there is zero incentive to expand the number of suppliers and increase competition.

“Wide-open competition and structural abundance are the least conducive [settings] for generating reliably ample profits, while quasi-monopolies and cartels that control scarce supplies are the ideal profit-generating machines,” he writes. [Charles Hugh Smith, Of Two Minds]

Here’s a more detailed view so you get the full impact of the problem.
– This is not normal.
– This is not organic.
– This is by design.

Well, it was.

Enter Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis. Florida has two of the largest ports in the U.S.. The Jacksonville port and the Miami port. Both can accommodate what California is refusing or to inept to do. Either way, it seems the flow of product is about to resume. Unless, of course, mash-potato brains in the White House comes up with some other scheme, policy, propaganda or bold face lie to keep the ships at sea.

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